
Reiki is a gentle yet powerful therapy!

Reiki is a Japanese word which means Universal Energy. Reiki is a blend of cosmic energy (Rei) and the energy within us (Ki). It is the energy of life, of growth and healing.

This therapy is a natural healing art and a spiritual discipline. Energy is transmitted through the therapist hands, to client  and operates on all levels of the clients being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

Reiki can be for a person in good health, or in need of relaxation or healing.

Reiki offers a pleasant way to relax, to relieve stress and to increase energy and vitality. It can strengthen the immune system, eliminate toxins and release emotional blockages. As it works on all levels of our being, Reiki provides a powerful tool for growth and personal transformation.

Reiki treatments are hands on and non intrusive and can be given with the client laying down on a  treatment couch. No massage is involved and the client remains fully clothed.  It’s a truly wonderful experience!